【预告】Development of New Methods for Synthesizing Main Group Organometallic Compounds Including Boron and Tin



【报告人】 Professor.Dr.Hiroto Yoshida

【报告题目】 Development of New Methods for Synthesizing Main Group Organometallic Compounds Including Boron and Tin

【报告时间】 2019-10-09 (周三)           报告时长:10:00-11:30

【报告地点】 科学会堂二楼会议室          学生报名限额数:60人


   Organoboron and organotin compounds play a pivotal role in modern synthetic organic chemistry, being utilized as essential carbon nucleophiles for introduction of functional groups and carbon–carbon bond forming process such as cross-coupling reaction.  Their characteristics superior to those of other organometallics are bench-stable and easy-to-handle properties arising from the inertness toward oxygen and moisture, moderate reactivities suitable for chemoselective transformations, high functional group compatibility, etc.  In this context, our effort has continuously been devoted to developing borylation and stannylation reactions under transition metal catalysis, which allows highly functionalized organoboron and organotin compounds to be synthesized stereoselectively in a straightforward manner.  In this talk, our results on the development of borylation and stannylation reactions especially by using dimetallic reagents under copper catalysis will be presented.


    Hiroto Yoshida,广岛大学工程研究院应用化学系教授。1996年和2001年于京都大学先后获得硕士和博士学位,师从Tamejiro Hiyama教授。2001年任广岛大学工程研究院助理研究员。2006年任美国爱荷华州立大学研究员。2007年任广岛大学工程研究院副教授。2012年担任JST ACT-C项目首席研究员。20162月**任冈山大学自然科学与技术研究院讲师。目前主要研究方向为过渡金属催化、主族有机金属化合物等。