【预告】Beyond the Rings of Lord: Nature Inspired Synthesis in Chemical Biology


【报告人】 Kamal Kumar

【报告题目】Beyond the Rings of Lord: Nature Inspired Synthesis in Chemical Biology

【报告时间】 2019-11-20 (周三)            报告时长:上午 10:00-12:00

【报告地点】 科技大厦东配楼科503              学生报名限额数:100


     The molecular complexity and structural diversity of natural products is immense of an inspiration for organic and medicinal chemists to design small molecules. The inability of total synthesis to provide adequate numbers of complex natural product derivatives for screening purposes calls to developed viable alternative strategies affording biologically interesting small molecules. Nature has more to offer to help chemists design synthetic strategies to expand the biologically intriguing chemical space. In this talk, our efforts to use clues from nature´s synthesis designs as well molecular architectures of natural small molecules for building screening collections will be presented. In this regard, development of different synthetic strategies including cascade reactions, annulation and cycloaddition reactions or modification of natural products etc. shall be presented. The role of new complex small molecules in unravelling new biological functions will also be briefly discussed.



    Dr. Kamal Kumar,马克斯·普朗克分子生理研究所高级研究员,Aicuris制药公司首席科学家,德国化学家协会会员。2000年在印度 G. N. D. Univ.获得有机化学博士学位;20002004年,先后在日本京都药科大学制药化学系和德国莱布尼茨有机催化研究所从事博士后研究;2004年加入马普所化学生物学系,并于20062018年担任研究组组长职务;2019年起担任马普所分子生理研究所及Aicuris制药公司首席科学家。在有机化学及相关药物化学,化学生物学和药物开发方面拥有20多年的研究经验。