His research interests center on the area of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry applied to clinical and biomedical chemistry, environmental, food analysis. Drugs, bile acids and natural product structure-physicochemical properties, biological and pharmacological activity and metabolism are the main activity in bioanalytical and medicinal chemistry field. The main activity focuses on the development of sensitive miniaturized bioassay, immunoassay, biosensors and in vitro and in vivo imaging based on bio-chemiluminescence, electrogenerated luminescence and thermochemiluminescence. Olfactive MOS sensors, Analytical mass-spectrometry using MALDI, HPLC-ESMS/MS for drugs, biomolecules and proteins are also part of his scientific activity. He published more than 500 original articles on international journals and up to 20 book chapters. He is the co-author of 26 international patents. He presented up to 200 invited lectures and oral presentation at international conferences and workshops.
Prof. Aldo Roda obtained his degree in chemistry from University of Bologna in 1974 and four years later, he received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. He was visiting scholar a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California San Diego working in the Marlene De Luca Laboratory on analytical bio- and chemiluminescence. Since 1985 Aldo Roda is Professor of Analytical Chemistry firstly at the University of Messina and in 1990 at the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy. He is past-President of the International Society for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC) and vice President of INBB: Biostructures and Biosystems National Institute. He is Editor of “ABC, Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Springer and co-Editor-in-Chief of Luminescence - The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd). He is member of the Academy of Science of Bologna. He is the president of the Chemistry Doctoral School at the University of Bologna.