

作者:  发布日期:2015-04-08




v 教育经历:


1987.91991.7  北京化工大学  大学本科    理学学士学位

1994.91997.7  北京化工大学  硕士研究生  工学硕士学位

2001.92006.12 北京化工大学  博士研究生  理学博士学位


v 工作经历:


1991.081994.08    天津化工厂          助理工程师

1997.082003.12    北京化工大学      讲师 

2003.122008.12    北京化工大学       副教授 

2008.12-至今           北京化工大学      教授


v  主要研究领域:



1.  食品安全研究:食品中农药、 兽药残留及添加剂的检测及相关技术的研究。

2.  药代动力学的研究:研究药物的体内过程即机体对药物的吸收、分布、生物转化和排泄过程及其量变规律。

3.  天然产物及中草药活性成分提取及结构鉴定

4.  聚合物结构及制品中新型添加剂的结构及测定方法研究:

5.  离子迁移谱技术的应用研究:

6.      复杂基质样品前处理方法的研究:



v  代表性论文:


1. Yang WenhanWang Jinhua, Li Xiaolin, DuZhenxia, A New Method Research for Determination of Natural Pigment Crocin Yellow in Foods by Solid-Phase Extraction Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2011,Vol. 1218(11), P1423-1428.

2. Chuangji Liu, Hai Wang, Yanbin Jiang, Zhenxia DuRapid and Simultaneous Determination of Amoxicillin, Penicillin G, and Their Major Metabolites in Bovine Milk by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass SpectrometryJournal of Chromatography B, 2011,Vol.879(7-8):533-540.

3. Hong Liu, Zhenxia Du, Qi Peng YuanA novel rapid method for simultaneous determination of eight active compounds insilymarin using a reversed-phase UPLC-UV detectorJ.Chromatogr. B, 2009, (877): 4159-4163.

4. Du zhenxia, Sun shuqi, Determination of Sudan Red Content in Duck Egg Yolk by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrum. Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2007, 25(5): 705-710.

5. Du zhenxia, Liu hong, Fu zhifeng*, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers on Chloromethyl Polystyrene Resin Prepared via RAFT Polymerization. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006, 17(4): 549-552.

6. Qiaozhen Guo, Zhenxia Du*.Development of a rapid and simultaneous detection method for buprenorphine, norbuprenorphine and naloxone in human pla**a using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer with solid-phase extractionChinese Journal of Chemistry.(已交回清样)

7. Zhao Kaijing, Wang Jianfeng, Du Zhenxia*Simultaneous Determination of Phenolic and Dye Compounds in Hair Dye by UPLC-MS/MSThe 24th MicroScale Bioseparations(MSB 2009)P229.

8. Wenhan Yang, Jing Wang, Zhenxia Du*Components and Activity Analyses of Carthamus tinctorious L. Pigment by Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Sepctrometry and UV Spectrophotometer The 24th MicroScale Bioseparations(MSB 2009)P94 oral presentation of the symposium.

9. Qiaozhen Guo, Zhenxia Du*Rapid and simultaneous determination 8 pesticides in cabbage and cucumber using QuEChERS sample preparation method followed by UPLC-MS/MS. The 15th International Joint Symposium between BUCT&CNU.BPMF‘2010):69-74.


v  获奖情况:




v 招生专业:




v   招生要求:

