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【预告】Phase Evolution and Interfacial Strain in Electrode Materials for Energy Storage

作者:  发布日期:2019-09-23



【报告人】Dong Su

【报告题目】Phase Evolution and Interfacial Strain in Electrode Materials for Energy Storage

【报告时间】 2019.09.27 14:00-17:00               报告时长:3h

【报告地点】主教321                                学生报名限额数:80



    Advanced (scanning) tran**ission electron microscopy ((S)TEM) techniques have been intensively applied to study the materials for energy storage.  With/Combining different TEM techniques (including in-situ TEM and diffraction, HAADF-STEM, and STEM-electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS)), researchers are able to probe local structural and chemical information of electrode materials, at a resolution of nanoscale. This talk will focus on my recent work on using in-situ and ****ytical TEM to characterize the conversion-reaction oxide material (Fe3O4) for electrode of lithium ion batteries(Fe3O4)[1-2], and Pt based nanocatalysts for fuel cell[3,4]. The dynamical process of the redox reaction of Fe3O4 revealed by in-situ TEM may help us to understand how reaction pathways affect the batteries’ kinetic properties. For Pt based electrocatalyst for fuel cell, the strain coupling at interfaces is highlighted for its crucial role in determining both the rate of electrochemical reaction and the catalytic activity.


[1] Visualizing Non-Equilibrium Lithiation of Spinel Oxide via In Situ Tran**ission Electron Microscopy, He, et al., Nature Communications, 7,11441 (2016)

[2] Strain Coupling of Conversion-type Fe3O4 Thin Film for Lithium Ion Battery, Hwang, et al.  Angewandte Chemie, 56,7813, (2017)

[3] Biaxially strained PtPb/Pt core/shell nanoplate boosts oxygen reduction catalysis, Bu et al., Science, 354, 1410(2016)

[4] Ordered Pt3Co Intermetallic Nanoparticles Derived from Metal-organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction, Wang et al. Nano Lett, 18, 4163(2018)




Dr. Dong Su is a Professor at Institute of Physics, CAS. He was the group leader of electron microscopy in Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Bookhaven National Laboratory until August 2019. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stony Brook University.  He got his B.S. in 1998 from Nanjing university. He got his Ph.D  in condensed matter physics in 2003, from Nanjing university and Institute of Physics, CAS (advisors: Prof. Yening Wang, and Prof. Kehsin Kuo).  After doing postdoc in EPFL, Switzerland, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Arizona State University, he joined Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2008 as an assistant scientist. He has been through the rank and was promoted to scientist with continuing appointment in 2015.   Dr. Dong Su has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals with citation >18,000(Google, H factor ~62). His work have been highlighted multiple times in Department of Energy(DOE) website, including one of the 40 research milestones in DOE 40th anniversary. He has been a reviewer for DOE, NSF, and ACS grants and journals of Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, PRL, JACS, etc, and an organizer of symposiums in national conferences and workshops. He has given more than 30 invited talks in international conferences and university seminars.